Body: A proof that god exists everywhere

Anatomy is vast and varied. Body is made up of trillions of cells and these cells differentiate themselves to form tissues, organs and organ systems. Thousands of reactions occur in the cells, each and every day and even during night. Everyday, every hour, every minute and every second, our body undergoes various physical, chemical and biological changes. Everyday, each and every cell in our body, interacts with the environment. Lot of things are happening in and around us.
Do you have any idea of what might be happening inside your body right now, this moment? Obviously your answer would be, no. 

It is researched and known theory that every cell consists of a nucleus. And the nucleus consists of the genetic machinery which rules our body (as shown is the image). 

Thousands of reactions occurring in our body are controlled by molecules which the genetic machinery produces per day. For example, DNA (deoxy ribonucleic acid) is the blueprint of life. DNA replication occurs, from DNA there arises RNA (ribonucleic acid), and from RNA, there arise different types of proteins, which ultimately function and help as building blocks of our body. During this process, hundreds of molecules are required. Who is providing those molecules? I will give you another example. We all know that our body is made up of organs. Various biochemical reactions are occurring in our body such as glycolysis (breakdown of glucose to give energy), Krebs cycle, Electron transport system, etc. And various enzymes, cofactors are being synthesized and destroyed in our body. And lot of energy is spent as well as recovered. Do we even think of all these processes every moment? No. But have you ever thought, how these processes might be working? who is looking after these reactions occurring in our body? who is watching all these reactions? Now, you guess the right answer. Its purely, a divine source, which is ruling everything on this earth. 

 A farmer cultivates crop and one day that crop is harvested and it becomes ready to be cooked and eaten. We might have eaten kilos of crops in the form of rice, dal, vegetables, fruits etc. till date. Have we ever thought where does it go. Obviously it gets excreted. But think over this, Acres and acres of land is required to cultivate a single variety of crop, and when it enters inside our body, it gets digested and easily excreted. How it might be happening? There are lot of mechanisms, reactions and processes that we have studied during our college days. But out of all that what we have studied, there is some driving force which is carrying out all these reactions simultaneously, not only in one person's body, but also in each and every living being, in fact the whole universe!!! 

Every single process is a miracle. Every scientific theory is a miracle. Definitely science is the biggest proof that god exists everywhere. Our immune system might be defending our body against so many viruses, who is protecting us actually? It was rightly said by Lord Krishna, that the almighty, known as "Parmatma", resides in everything, in this universe. When you know, that this whole universe is Parmatma, so all the processes, reactions and works are done by Parmatma. Human body does not perform anything on its own. Everything is happeining naturally and spontaneously. Its lord's creation. Parmatma is the driving force and is driving our life. All the processes are taken care automatically. Nothing is in our hands. Only what we can do is, work hard, perform our duties, take precautions, and remember god. Just remember god and the purpose of your life will also be solved automatically. (Source: Bhagvad Gita)
Hare Krishna!!
