Lord Vishnu's Dashavataar- Linked to Darwin's Theory of Evolution

It is rightly said that "Nothing is permanent except change" We undergo lot of changes throughout our lives. Biggest proof is the transition from childhood to old age. As we age, various physiological changes occur in our body. The transition from childhood to old age is nothing but an evolution, that is occurring in all of us. Isn't it? Described very well in Bhagavad Gita, a being has to pass through these stages of life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age and finally death, which signifies that nothing is permanent in this world. This is the journey of soul in a body

A similar concept is with the theory of evolution, proposed by Darwin linked to lord Vishnu's Dashavatar (10 incarnations of Vishnu). Darwin's theory of evolution states that "All the species of an organism have arisen and developed through natural selection, and that life on earth started from single celled organisms and later to multi cellular organisms".

First stage of evolution:  Life originated in water. This event happened during the Cambrian period, where aquatic creatures first came into existence. Dashavatar #1 Matsya: Which is a fish, belongs to aquatic origin.
Second stage of evolution: It involved transition of life from aquatics to amphibians, that existed on land as well as water. Dashavatar #2 Kurma : which is a tortoise 
Third stage of evolution: Involved transition from amphibians to terrestrial animals. Dashavatar #3 Varaha Avtar: Wild boarFourth stage of evolution: Transition from animals to humans (ape like creatures- resembling man as well as animal) Dashavatar #4 Narsimha avatar: Half man, half lion 
Fifth stage of evolution: Complete transition of ape like creature to human being, such as neanderthal man, where man's brain started evolving Dashavatar # 5 Vamana Avatar: dwarf  (resembling to neanderthal man), there started the beginning of intelligence in humans
Sixth stage of evolution: was the iron age. Man started making weapons such as axe, to protect himself from wild animals Dashavatar # 6 Parshuram: Man with an axe,a divine seeker and conscious human who belongs to Iron Age
Seventh stage of evolution: Homo sapiens, conscious human beings who realized about god. They were civilized, and had developed better weapons such as bow and arrow. This was the time when human started living in communities and villages. Dashavatar # 7 Lord Rama: perfect human, with ethics and moral values. 
Eight stage of evolution: Period of advanced human civilization. Man started understanding the importance of modernization Dashavatar # 8 Lord Krishna: Philosophical, self consciousness and teacher for this world. Originated Bhagavad Gita and gave preachings to Arjuna about the soul, self consciousness and journey of life
Ninth stage of evolution: Realization and wisdom   
Dashavatar # 9 Buddha: Spiritual man, found out ultimate truth of life and was close to attain  salvation
Tenth stage of evolution: Modern man, God realization and resurrection
Dashavatar # 10 Kalki: The ultimate terminator of the evil and would finish the evolutionary process
